
Posts Tagged ‘iphone’

Why Apple product are so expensive in India

November 13th, 2012 5 comments

It’s Diwali here, one of the most important festival in India. And guess what I am studying Custom Duty because I have my Indirect Tax exam after couple of days.
I have been found of Apple product (very much, just ask my friends to confirm) coz I like there technology and innovation, but there ‘too pricey’ tags worries me a lot (and many other Indians) merely due to reason that Apple products are undoubtedly most expensive in India. Means you can buy an iPhone for (not just, but lucrative) $650 in America and at similar prices in other nations but in India you pay 45,500 for an iPhone 5. After looking at this price tag you will prima facea feel as if why would someone buy a phone (so expensive) which is available for Rs. 33,800 ($650×52=Rs33,800) in America and 45,500 in India.
After imparting my knowledge on Excise, VAT and Custom Duties, now I can explain you how. Needless to mention its still now enough to clear my examination and I am blogging instead of studying, god know my result very well.
When an item reaches the custom boundaries before it is cleared for sale in India, the government has made sure that the items are not cheap as compared to home-grown products. So a simple and profitable way is ‘Taxation’. A product before it is ready for sale needs some modification in pricing. The importer has to first pay a 10% custom duty (the rates are variable I am just taking the ideal one).
Hmmm… Well that make it of only $65 expensive, making the iPhone for Rs. 37,180 [($650+$65)*52]. What about the rest?
Wait for it.. an additional Excise Duty (called CVD) of 12% means Rs. 4,417… What about the rest?
Wait for it.. an additional Educational Cess and SAH which is 3% of the total tax, means (3,380+4,417)*3%=Rs. 234… What about the rest?
Wait for it.. (Hey! the Government is probably inspired from Barney) an additional Sales Tax (called Special CVD) of 4% if the total amount, i.e. (37,180+4,417+234)*4%=Rs. 1,673.
The total now comes out to Rs. 43,504. Which is around 28.85%.
The balance amount is for Apple’s franchise in India iWorld.

I got inspired to write this post coz I read many blogs in which users were pretty much disappointed because of Apple selling there products in India with the most inflated price tag on the planet.
Maybe next time, you won’t blame Apple so much. Because a major amount of price that you pay goes to the Government. I would call this ‘Protectionism’. I yes, the don’t even blame the Government, they are correct here, coz that are protecting the Indian Industry. I just hope that they do something good for us from the money they receive (which is very unlikely).

This post was written with my iPhone, so typos are common. So please inform me about the mis-spells here and yes also write a feedback below 🙂

Categories: Apple Tags: , , ,

iCloud on Windows XP

February 22nd, 2012 No comments

The 12th October Apple released Windows download that iCloud control panel is provided for the integration of PC-iCloud service, not just the balance is on your contact, schedule and calendar data is essential. But the major problem is that it’s only compatible with Windows Vista SP2 and Windows 7, leaving  many Windows XP users from outside the service.

Here it’s worthwhile to look at the bottom of the instructions I got from stored reader Benjamin.

This explains in six steps, methods to install the Control Panel iCloud. This also shows how a slight modification, can also install iCloud on Windows XP. I have not tested the XP installation itself, but the small hack that I found is worth mentioning. Benjamin writes:


The following programs are required:
iTunes 5.10
A Enpackprogramm e.g. 7-Zip or WinRar
Orca MSI editor (download it and install)
The iCloud setup

    • first Download icloud setup
    • second open the iCloudSetup.exe with WinRar or 7-Zip extract
    • third find the file iCloud.msi or iCloud64.msi (for 64bit sytems) and open it with Orca MSI editor
    • fourth look at the left table for “after launch” condition.


  • in the right table change VersionNT> = 600 on VersionNT> = 200 then Save and Exit
  • fifth open iCloud.msi file for installation …
  • sixth run icloud (from the control panel) and log


If you found this post helpful or have some query, feel free to comment.

iPhone 5: Nine Reasons Not To Get It [Infographics]

August 11th, 2011 1 comment
iPhone 5

Okay there are no doubt many reasons the iOS faithful out there will tell you why you need to purchase the iPhone 5, but what about any reasons not to purchase the next generation iPhone? Well what we have below is nine reasons not to shell out your hard earned dosh on the latest iOS smartphone when it appears at some point.

The nine reasons comes our way courtesy of the guys over at iDownload Blog and is basically a humorous look at the reasons people shouldn’t purchase the iPhone 5 done by the guys over at MacTrast, which can be viewed below.

The nine reasons include such things, as the iPhone 5 will not have a replicator to dispense hot beverages, the iPhone 5 cannot be used as a defibrillator in an emergency, and the iPhone 5 cannot transport you to any point in time and space.

All of which means of course is that Apple’s latest piece of iOS tech isn’t the ultimate futuristic technological marvel the iOS faithful would have you believe, and is basically just a smartphone doing things that smartphones do.

Of course it’s all done in the name of humour as obviously none of these nine reasons actually have any baring on whether you would purchase the iPhone 5 or not, but it does go to show that at least someone doesn’t take the iPhone 5 as seriously as others.

My favourite is “The iPhone 5 does not come equipped with a zombie killing laser,” which is a good thing as no doubt rather than targeting zombies which are in short supply, I figure users would target Android users in an attempt to get rid of the opposition…just joking folks.

As I said earlier, there is an abundance of reasons why people would purchase the iPhone 5, some through loyalty to Apple and no doubt some will defect from other platforms, but we’d love to know why you will pick up the iPhone 5 once it becomes available, so feel free to let us know your reasons by posting to our comments area below.

My personal reasons for not purchasing an iPhone 5 is, firstly I am one of the Android faithful, and secondly no doubt it will be way beyond my financial means.

Oh and if you feel you have another reason for not purchasing the iPhone 5 feel free to share that with us as well, and we’ll see what ingenious reasons our readership can come up with.