
Posts Tagged ‘must’

iPhone 5: Our Top 8 Reasons to Get It

August 11th, 2011 No comments

We have come up with 8 iPhone 5 features that should be a must when it is released, we also put pen to paper and sketched out our own infographic of the features that should be a must in the new upcoming phone, please remember that we are not artists or very good at drawing so please do not dig us in the side about it, some love would be nice. Thanks

Here are the ideas, but please check out our very own infographic below; Number 1 shows a camera and this would feature an 8MP cam on the back and a 5MP on the front, Number 2 = Wrap around wireless charging technology, Number 3 = Rain Sensor and when rain hits the waterproof screen it will automatically give users points-of-dry-interest, basically lets you know all the dry places you can visit if it is raining.

Number 4 = Google Android customer choice, when a customer walks into a store they can choose an Apple iPhone 5 with either iOS or Android OS, Number 5 = Pop-out thermometer that pops out the bottom of the iPhone 5.

Number 6 = Dual SIM Card Slots
Number 7 = iPhone 5 with a slide-out QWERTY Keyboard
Number 8 = The iPhone 5 can detect Android devices near it and sends them a text saying change to iOS

Wonder if any of the above features would ever take off, just a thought. Hope you like our iPhone 5 infographic below and the top 8 reasons why you should get it.

Oh come on readers you know that number eight is very funny, would definitely put a few smiles on both Android and iOS users faces. Now check out our very own drawing that we have put together below, if you know of any features you would like the iPhone 5 to have please do let us know in the commenting area.

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